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Solo Adventure

Solo Adventure Book 1: Late-Elementary Piano Solos by Ted Cooper Piano Solo - Sheet Music

By Ted Cooper
Chamber Music Piano

SKU: CF.PL1018

Book 1: Late-Elementary Piano Solos. Composed by Ted Cooper. Edited by Ted Cooper. Sws. Solo Adventure, Late Elementary Piano Solos. Solo part. With Standard notation. Carl Fischer Music #PL1018. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.PL1018).

ISBN 9780825849862. UPC: 798408049867. 9 X 12 inches.

Mr. Cooper’s considerable experience as a piano teacher shows in the care with which he writes for younger players and his compositional skill makes all of his music highly communicative. Book 1 of this set includes seven solos, Dance in D Minor, By the Sea, Sky Watching, Giddy Up!, The River, Through a Forest Dark and Nightfall. This is a first-rate collection of supplemental material for the advancing elementary player.

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