101 Three-Chord Hymns & Gospel Songs for Guitar, Banjo & Uke by Larry McCabe 5-String Banjo - Digital Sheet Music
By Larry McCabeSKU: M0.21280EB
Composed by Larry McCabe. Banjo: 5-String. McCabe's 101. Gospel-Old Time. E-book. Mel Bay Publications - Digital Sheet Music #21280EB. Published by Mel Bay Publications - Digital Sheet Music (M0.21280EB).ISBN 9781609746445. 8.75 x 11.75 inches.
You need only minimal playing skills and three chords; G, C and D7 to accompany the beautiful songs of faith in this innovative book. If you are a beginning or casual player on a chording instrument, this is the book for you. The book is bursting with a great variety of timeless standards your entire family will enjoy. An outstanding collection of innovation arrangements made playable for folks who play for their own enjoyment. Melody and lyrics are included with all songs.Guitar, ukulele and five-string banjo diagrams are included for the three chords along with tips on strumming. Transposing and use of capo tips are included for singers.
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