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Sentiment by Juliana Hall A Cappella - Sheet Music

By Juliana Hall
Sentiment by Juliana Hall A Cappella - Sheet Music
Sentiment by Juliana Hall A Cappella - Sheet Music
Sentiment by Juliana Hall A Cappella - Sheet Music
Sentiment by Juliana Hall A Cappella - Sheet Music
Sentiment by Juliana Hall A Cappella - Sheet Music
Sentiment by Juliana Hall A Cappella - Sheet Music
Sentiment by Juliana Hall A Cappella - Sheet Music
Sentiment by Juliana Hall A Cappella - Sheet Music
Sentiment by Juliana Hall A Cappella - Sheet Music
Sentiment by Juliana Hall A Cappella - Sheet Music
Sentiment by Juliana Hall A Cappella - Sheet Music
Mezzo-soprano voice solo unaccompanied - Late Intermediate

SKU: EC.8991

Composed by Juliana Hall. E.C. Schirmer Publishing #8991. Published by E.C. Schirmer Publishing (EC.8991).

UPC: 600313489914. English.

Juliana Hall decided to set poet Caitlin Vincent’s text—Sentiment—for a solo unaccompanied soprano singer (8849), creating a monodrama (her first), because she felt the raw emotions expressed in Vincent’s text required a more direct communication from singer to audience than a piece with piano or another instrument might allow. In describing her text, Vincent writes, “The general premise is emotions but also about the version of ourselves we try to present to the world.  Each song leads into the next: giddy happiness followed by the inevitable plunge into depression, then anger and embarrassment for revealing too much to the audience, remorse for lashing out, and finally a plea for the world to see only the singer’s ‘best’ side.” Sentiment is a vocal and dramatic tour de force, a uniquely moving event your audience will not soon forget!

I. Prologue
II. Joy
III. Sorrow
IV. Anger
V. Remorse
VI. Epilogue.

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