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Rose 32 Etudes for Clarinet

Rose 32 Etudes for Clarinet Revised and Corrected Edition by Cyrille Rose B-Flat Clarinet - Sheet Music

By Cyrille Rose
Chamber Music clarinet in B-flat, piano


Revised and Corrected Edition. Composed by Franz Ferling; John Walker. Edited by Melvin Warner. Arranged by Cyrille Rose. Sws. Back To School. Methods And Studies. With Standard notation. 36 pages. Carl Fischer Music #WF85. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.WF85).

ISBN 9780825871306. UPC: 798408071301. 9 x 12 inches.

Some of the most celebrated musical etudes for the clarinetare presented here in a newly engraved, meticulously editededition. Clarinetist Melvin Warner brings a career’s worthof performing and teaching insight into these standards forthe clarinet repertoire. This edition also contains valuableinsight into both the original author Cyrille Rose and FranzWilhelm Ferling, on whose music the Rose studies werebased. Also, this edition corrects the mistakes of all previouseditions.As an added bonus, this edition contains piano accompaniments,composed and performed by John Walker, as bothMP3s and printable PDFs. These accompaniments enhancethe musical quality of these etudes while making practiceand performance more meaningful. Many of these beautifulpieces can now be used in recitals, as well.With this publication, the clarinet player has a completeand versatile package of these essential etudes for study,performance and sheer pleasure.
Cyrille Rose’s 32 Etudes for Clarinet based on theetudes of Franz Wilhelm Ferling continue to be the cornerstoneof clarinet instruction and study in the United Statesfor advanced students from high school through college.Daniel Bonade was a key figure in popularizing theRose Etudes in the United States. Bonade studied withHenri Lefebvre, a pupil of Cyrille Rose at the ParisConservatoire, and was recruited by Leopold Stokowski tojoin the Philadelphia Orchestra, where he served as principalclarinetist from 1917 to 1922 and subsequently from1924 to 1930. Bonade later filled the same position in theCleveland Orchestra from 1933 to 1941. During thoseyears, he taught at the Curtis Institute and the JuilliardSchool, and became the most influential clarinet teacher inthe United States. Bonade used the Rose Etudes as a primarysource for instructing his students in the developmentof proper phrasing, tone, style, and articulation. Hisstudents included many clarinetists who later became masterteachers in their own right, such as Anthony Gigliotti,Mitchell Lurie, and Robert Marcellus, to name only a few.When I began the serious study of the Rose Etudes withxa0my teacher Dominick Fera, we spent time “fixing” variousetudes and correcting misprints, such as incorrect timesignatures, a wrong number of beats in a measure, andquestionable notes. Later, when working with students ofmy own, additional errors or inconsistencies were identifiedthat required further editing. In order to save valuablelesson time, I decided to prepare an edition for use by mystudents that incorporated all of these corrections. Duringthe process of preparing this edition, I consulted all of theavailable versions of the Rose 32 Etudes and the Ferling 48Etudes, Op. 31 for oboe or saxophone, which were importantsources for determining correct notes, articulationsand such like. It is sincerely hoped that the end result willbe helpful to students and teachers alike.Breath, tempo, and other markings have not beenadded so that decisions regarding phrasing, tempo, andstyle may be gleaned from the study of the individualetude using only the markings provided by Rose or Ferlingas a guide.I would like to dedicate this edition to my teacher,mentor, and friend Dominick Fera.

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