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Le Tombeau de Couperin

Le Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel Piano Solo - Sheet Music

By Maurice Ravel
Piano Solo

SKU: AP.36-M225791

Composed by Maurice Ravel. This edition: Master Piano Series. Piano Solo. Master Keyboard Series - LudwigMasters. Book. LudwigMasters Publications #36-M225791. Published by LudwigMasters Publications (AP.36-M225791).

ISBN 9781638872603. UPC: 735816105204. English.

The word tombeau is a musical term from the 17th century, meaning a piece written as a memorial. Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) composed LE TOMBEAU DE COUPERIN as a six-movement suite (based on those of the Traditional Baroque suite) for solo piano, with each movement dedicated to the memory of a friend who had died fighting in World War I. The Couperin referred to in the title is François Couperin the Great (1668-1733), although Ravel's intentions were to pay homage to the sensibilities of the Baroque French keyboard suite in general, not one composer in general. Often light-hearted rather than sombre as one may suggest, Ravel responded, The dead are sad enough, in their eternal silence. Movements: I. Prelude, II. Fugue, III. Forlane, IV. Rigaudon, V. Menuet, VI. Toccata.

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