SKU: S2.261131
Composed by Richard A. Nichols. Flute book and CD. SoundForth #261131. Published by SoundForth (S2.261131).ISBN 9781429135368.
The third in a set of sacred solos for the intermediate-level instrumental soloist, this collection contains eight stirring settings for the church musician. With the purchase of this collection, you will receive a book with the printed solo parts, as well as a CD that includes the accompaniment tracks, for practice or performance, and the reproducible instrumental and keyboard parts, if playing with live accompaniment is preferred.
- Jesus Paid It All
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
- Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
- The Lord's My Shepherd
- Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
- Good Christian Men, Rejoice
- O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
- Be Thou My Vision
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