Composed by Xavier Dayer. Contemporary. Study score and solo part(s). Editions BIM #GUI10D. Published by Editions BIM (ET.GUI10D).ISBN 9790207004451.
This piece is the third of a triptych: Ceneri for guitar quartet; De le ceneri for guitar alone and Cena de le ceneri for guitar and string orchestra.
All are dominated by the image of ashes swept away by the wind as expressed by a text of Giordano Bruno, the italian philosopher who was burned in 1600 on the Campo dei Fiori in Rom by the Inquisition.
Non sta, si svolge e gira
Quanto nel ciel e sott'il ciel si mira.
Ogni cosa discorre, or alto or basso,
Benché sie 'n lungo o 'n breve,
O sia grave o sia leve;
Ch'una medesma parte
Or di su in giù or di giù in su si parte
Ed il medesmo garbuglio
Medesme tutte sorti a tutti imparte.
Giordano Bruno, De l'infinito, universo e mondi (1583)
First performance of Cena de le Ceneri: October 22, 2008 in Münster (Germany) with Reinbert Evers (Guitar), the St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra Vilnius (Lituania) conducted by Donatas Katkus.
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