He is Greater, a sacred hymn
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SKU: A0.1315764
Composed by Kevin G. Pace (ASCAP), Kathryn W. Hales. Christian,Praise & Worship,Religious,Sacred,Spiritual. 3 pages. Kevin G. Pace #904536. Published by Kevin G. Pace (A0.1315764).A gorgeous, sacred hymn with music by Kevin G. Pace and text by Kathryn W. Hales.
1. He is greater than the angels, For He is the Father's Son,
He is greater than the prophets, To whom He speaks when day is done.
He is greater than the mountains, Yea, He speaks, and they do move,
He is greater than the oceans, As all things testify to prove.
2. He is greater than all nature, He created large and small,
Almighty Lord is our anchor, Our Savior, the greatest One of all.
He is greater than the ancients Who burned offerings for sin.
Jesus is the greater who did part the veil to let us in.
3. He has a greater Priesthood, bearing all God's heavn'ly pow'r,
Yet He reaches down to comfort And guide me hour by hour.
He is greater than my problems, He can answer with His grace.
Showing ways to His Promised Land where we may see His loving face.
4. He is greater than the devil, who deceives to foster sin,
For Jesus overcame death and hell To unite all human kin.
He is greater than all suff'ring, For He has borne it all
He is greater than our weakness For He has overcome the Fall.
Our Savior, our Redeemer,
The greatest One of all.
This product was created by a member of ArrangeMe, Hal Leonard's global self-publishing community of independent composers, arrangers, and songwriters. ArrangeMe allows for the publication of unique arrangements of popular titles and original compositions from a variety of voices and backgrounds. The length, difficulty, and retail pricing are determined solely by the discretion of the person who arranged or composed it.
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