Edited by Mel Bay and Joseph Castle. Style, Latin, Wire bound, Spanish Language, Classical and Lute, Method. Editiones Classicae. Classic. Book. With Text language: Spanish. 112 pages. Mel Bay Publications, Inc #93611ENSP. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc (MB.93611ENSP).
ISBN 9780871663788. UPC: 796279002417. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. Compiled by Mel Bay and Joseph Castle.
Aqui, en un solo volumen, se encuentra el metodo de guitarra original de Mateo Carcassi (1792-1853) traducido al INGLES y ESPANOL y publicado con sus famosos "25 Estudios". Aunque se lo considera moderadamente arcaico en terminos de la tecnica de guitarra moderna, el metodo probado por el tiempo de Carcassi es insuperable en su presentacion de un sistema de aprendizaje graduado con escalas, ejercicios y composiciones atractivas en varias claves. Escrito en notacion estandar solamente.Here in a single volume is the original guitar method of Mateo Carcassi (1792-1853) translated to ENGLISH and SPANISH and published with his famous "25 Studies". Although regarded as moderately archaic in terms of modern guitar technique, Carcassi's time- proven method is second to none in its presentation of a graded learning system featuring scales, exercises, and engaging compositions in various keys. Written in standard notation only.
Edited by Mel Bay and Joseph Castle. Style, Latin, Wire bound, Spanish Language, Classical and Lute, Method. Editiones Classicae. Classic. Book. With Text language: Spanish. 112 pages. Mel Bay Publications, Inc #93611ENSP. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc (MB.93611ENSP).
ISBN 9780871663788. UPC: 796279002417. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. Compiled by Mel Bay and Joseph Castle.
Aqui, en un solo volumen, se encuentra el metodo de guitarra original de Mateo Carcassi (1792-1853) traducido al INGLES y ESPANOL y publicado con sus famosos "25 Estudios". Aunque se lo considera moderadamente arcaico en terminos de la tecnica de guitarra moderna, el metodo probado por el tiempo de Carcassi es insuperable en su presentacion de un sistema de aprendizaje graduado con escalas, ejercicios y composiciones atractivas en varias claves. Escrito en notacion estandar solamente.Here in a single volume is the original guitar method of Mateo Carcassi (1792-1853) translated to ENGLISH and SPANISH and published with his famous "25 Studies". Although regarded as moderately archaic in terms of modern guitar technique, Carcassi's time- proven method is second to none in its presentation of a graded learning system featuring scales, exercises, and engaging compositions in various keys. Written in standard notation only.
Elementary Principles of Music
Exercises in the First Position
Exercises with Sharps and Flats
Scales, Cadences, Exercises and Pieces
Notes in the Higher Positions (System for Memorization)
Rondo to Exercise all the Positions
25 Studies
Preview: El metodo completo de la guitarra Carcassi
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