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With All I Am

With All I Am by Taylor Davis 2-Part - Sheet Music

By Taylor Davis
2-part mixed choir and cello


Composed by Taylor Davis. General, Weddings. Mixed Voices. With Cello. Christian. Octavo. Chorister's Guild #CGA1019. Published by Chorister's Guild (CG.CGA1019).

UPC: 749193009796.

The prayerful text of this elegant anthem quietly considers the eternal power of love and one's dedication to God, the source of all life and love. Throughout the piece, the two vocal parts share the responsibility of singing the melody and harmony while the cello provides a gently rocking accompaniment below. An excellent anthem to use for weddings or any service where love and commitment are themes. Sound file: ms. 21-36 Voicing: Two part mixed with piano and cello Composer: Taylor Davis Text Author: John Thornburg.

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