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Trois chansons de campagne

Trois chansons de campagne Three Songs of the Countryside by David Shaffer String Orchestra - Sheet Music

By David Shaffer
Orchestra String Orchestra - Grade 1.5

SKU: AP.98-ST6113S

Three Songs of the Countryside. Arranged by David Shaffer. Series; String Orchestra. FJH Beginning Strings. Multicultural. Score. Duration 2:15. The FJH Music Company Inc #98-ST6113S. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc (AP.98-ST6113S).

UPC: 241444550908. English.

This easy and charming arrangement includes three popular French folk songs: Ton moulin, Chevaliers de la table ronde, and Vive la compagnie. With interesting melodic parts for everyone in the ensemble, this piece also uses pizzicato and includes an easy time change from 4/4 to 2/4. Great educational opportunities, classic melodies, and solid scoring make this an ideal choice for younger players.

About FJH Beginning Strings

Appropriate for first year string students. All instruments stay in first position, and optional third violin (viola) parts and piano are included to aid in rehearsal and performance situations. Grade 1 - 1.5

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