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Three Dance Portraits

Three Dance Portraits Piano Solo by William Bolcom Piano Solo - Sheet Music

By William Bolcom

SKU: HL.9642

Piano Solo. Composed by William Bolcom. Piano Solo (no lyrics). American, Classical, Contemporary. 24 pages. Published by Edward B. Marks Music (HL.9642).

ISBN 9780793509690. UPC: 073999096422. 9x12 inches.

Composer, pianist, and author William Bolcom has these comments to make regarding his new Dance Portraits: “These three dance-pieces are portraits of friends who are each wonderful pianists but are perhaps better known for something else in music. Dennis Russell Davies is a renowned conductor; Curtis Curtis-Smith is an extremely talented composer; Abba Bogin is a highly successful conductor and commercial musician. Such vernacular styles as soft-shoe and Argentine and Brazilian tango are found in these works. The Dead Moth Tango got its title from a moth I killed inadvertently; Knock-Stück features, as well as knocking sounds, a particular type of syncopation found often in Curtis-Smith's compositions; Abbacadabra celebrates the volubility all of Abba Bogin's friends will recognize.&rdquo.

  • Abbacadabra
  • The Dead Moth Tango
  • Knock-Stuck
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