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The Old Year Now Has Passed Away - C Major

The Old Year Now Has Passed Away - C Major Piano, Vocal - Digital Sheet Music

Piano, Vocal, Voice - Level 2 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.1566453

By Stacey Plays Hymns. Composed by Stacey Plays Hymns. Arranged by Anastace. This edition: audio, pdf, streaming. Christian, Christmas, Praise & Worship, Sacred, Spiritual. Score. 5 pages. Anastace #1138576. Published by Anastace (A0.1566453).

A perfect hymn for the New Year, "The Old Year Now Has Passed Away" is another special treasure I found while searching through old hymnbooks. Adapted from original lyrics by Johann Steurlein, with some new verses added, this song is written especially for a fresh start for the Christian in the year ahead. Intended to be sung in a plainsong style without exact rhythm, this anthemic proclamation is perfect for any New Year's service. The lyrics include thankfulness for God’s keeping during the past year, repentance of sins, a prayer for holiness, and finally, a triumphant fourth verse that encourages us to look towards the day when we will worship with all the angels and saints in heaven. Originally intended to be played on a smooth keyboard pad sound, it also works well with a piano accompaniment and sustain pedal, or even a capella. At the end of the pdf I have included a single-page lead sheet of the song for those who would find it easier to read.

This version is in C major, a semitone higher than originally recorded, as heard on my Youtube channel, and has a melody range of C4-C5, a comfortable range for most congregations. For a version in a higher or lower key to match a different range for a soloist just write to me and I will publish it for you.

Also available, by searching "Stacey Plays Hymns" and the song title on this site, is a version in the original key of B Major to precisely match the recording.

For other formats including large print, or extended choral harmony versions, please write me at and I'll be glad to make them especially for you. Purchase includes an intended license for up to four church services with under 300 people, with proper attribution and credit in any printed or online materials. For a license to use this work on a larger scale, please contact me for permission and other usage details including lyrics formatted for printing in church bulletins or for powerpoint. Please let me know if there is any other way I can serve you as a congregation or fellow music/choir director as I endeavour to write several new choral anthems per year, along with my other recording work.

Thank you for supporting modern hymnwriters and musicians!

This product was created by a member of ArrangeMe, Hal Leonard’s global self-publishing community of independent composers, arrangers, and songwriters. ArrangeMe allows for the publication of unique arrangements of both popular titles and original compositions from a wide variety of voices and backgrounds.

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