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Messe Miniature de Marie for clarinet and guitar

Messe Miniature de Marie for clarinet and guitar by David Warin Solomons Clarinet - Digital Sheet Music

By David Warin Solomons
Clarinet,Guitar,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download

SKU: A0.576891

Composed by David Warin Solomons. 20th Century,Contemporary,Folk. 17 pages. David Warin Solomons #493383. Published by David Warin Solomons (A0.576891).

An instrumental duo based on a sort of "secular mass" for the mysteries of nature and of the mind, based on a poem by Marie Keyser.
The pdf file contains score and individual parts
The sound sample is an electronic preview
The original poem begins as follows (with English translation in square brackets)
L'aube et les fleurs pâles des prés sur le front,
tu vas
[Dawn and the pale flowers of the field on your brow,
you go]
inclinant l'herbe endormie, je vois trembler l'air lumineux
le pollen
[bending the sleeping grass I see the shining air trembling
and the pollen]
Gloria in terra
[Glory on earth]
Nous dormons mais la fièvre veille,
déchirant les fleurs
et la nuit de l'eau.
[We sleep but the fever keeps watch, tearing the flowers and the night
from the water]
Les chevaux boivent midi immobiles
au bord de l'enclos
[The horses drink at midday, motionless at paddock's edge]
[I believe]
Au commencement était l'enfance
jouant aux bords immenses du temps
avec la licorne
[In the beginning was childhood
playing at the immense borders of time
with the unicorn]
et les rires fusaient mêlés au bruit de leur course
dans les allées
[and the laughter mixed with the sound of their hooves and feet along the pathways]
Elle dormait sur l'escalier
et l'enfance dedans la tour
[The unicorn slept on the staircase
and childhood inside the tower]
T'en souviens-t'il?
aux bords immenses du Temps
où nous dormons
et d'où nous venons
[Do you recall it?
At the immense borders of Time
Where we sleep and whence we come].
L'aube seule le remémore:
l'instant d'or et sans retour de sa lumière
[Only Dawn recalls it:
The golden moment of her light which will not return]
Nous voulions faire une maison,
mon âme transie
et chercher de par la terre où la licorne gît
[We wanted to build a house, my perished soul
and search throughout the earth where the unicorn lies buried]
Je ne sais pour quelle raison
mais toujours nous nous en allons
toutes les aubes s'en vont
cherchant l'or,
le commencement
[I know not the reason, but still we go forth
All the Dawns go forth looking for the gold,
the beginning]
aux bords immenses du Temps.
[at the immense borders of Time].
©Marie Keyser - for the original French poem,
©David W Solomons for the English translation

This product was created by a member of ArrangeMe, Hal Leonard’s global self-publishing community of independent composers, arrangers, and songwriters. ArrangeMe allows for the publication of unique arrangements of both popular titles and original compositions from a wide variety of voices and backgrounds.

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