Haiku 4-Part - Digital Sheet Music
SKU: A0.1021516
Composed by Victor Rebullida. This edition: audio, pdf. A Cappella, Instructional, Multicultural, Traditional, World. 15 pages. Victor Rebullida #6051639. Published by Victor Rebullida (A0.1021516)."Haiku" is an entertaining work composed as a vocal studio for choir. The intention was to get the choirs to work on the pentatonic scales. In addition, the work is a vocal articulation exercise for singers. It consists of three brief parts, the first two with texts of two haiku and the third based on a Sansa-daiko dance, a dance for taiko drums that is learned by memorizing certain syllables that represent the text of the latter piece. The rhythm is literally that of the dance itself but that melodically is embedded in pentatonic scales just like the two previous pieces.
For the management of copyright the work is registered with the SGAE (Copyright Management Society of Spain) The score contains the data of the work and the composer for the management of Rights.
The author will appreciate being informed of any interpretation of the work.
"Haiku" es una obra divertida que compuse como un estudio vocal para coro. La intención era hacer que los coros trabajasen las escalas pentatónicas. Además la obra es un ejercicio de articulación vocal para los cantantes. Está formada por tres breves partes, las dos primeras con textos de dos haiku y la tercera basada en una danza Sansa-daiko, una danza para tambores taiko que se aprende mediante la memorización de determinadas sÃlabas que suponen el texto de esta última pieza. El ritmo es literalmente el de la propia danza pero que melódicamente está encajada en unas escalas pentatónicas igual que las dos piezas precedentes.
El autor agradecerÃa se le comunicase cualquier interpretación de la obra.
This product was created by a member of ArrangeMe, Hal Leonard’s global self-publishing community of independent composers, arrangers, and songwriters. ArrangeMe allows for the publication of unique arrangements of both popular titles and original compositions from a wide variety of voices and backgrounds.
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Digital Downloads are downloadable sheet music files that can be viewed directly on your computer, tablet or mobile device. Once you download your digital sheet music, you can view and print it at home, school, or anywhere you want to make music, and you don’t have to be connected to the internet. Just purchase, download and play!
PLEASE NOTE: Your Digital Download will have a watermark at the bottom of each page that will include your name, purchase date and number of copies purchased. You are only authorized to print the number of copies that you have purchased. You may not digitally distribute or print more copies than purchased for use (i.e., you may not print or digitally distribute individual copies to friends or students).
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