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Ensenese A Tocar La Bateria

Ensenese A Tocar La Bateria Drums - Sheet Music


SKU: SP.80067

Composed by Seth Goldberg. This edition: Paperback. Instructional; Method. Method. Book. With Text Language: Spanish. 112 pages. Santorella Publications #80067. Published by Santorella Publications (SP.80067).

ISBN 9781585600021. UPC: 728941800670.

Becoming a drummer requires a tremendous amount of technique, coordination, practice and feel. Ensenese A Tocar La Bateria the Spanish edition of Teach Yourself Drums by Seth Goldberg brings a new approach to learning these skills by applying them directly to the drum set. Unlike conventional teaching methods, Seth will have you seated at the drum set from the very beginning. While building coordination and developing technique, you will begin to grasp the "feel" that only practice can provide. Ensenese A Tocar La Bateria distributed exclusively by Santorella Publications teaches the basics of drumming then provides numerous exercises to enhance confidence. IndiceIntroduccion - Acerca de la bateria - Ritmo, silencios y valores - La compra de una bateria - Platillos - Baquetas - Montaje de la bateria - Como sostener las baquetas - Notacion para bateria - Primeros ejercicios (negras) - Ejercicios (corcheas) - Ejercicios (semicorcheas) - Ejercicios combinados - Notas con puntillo - Tresillos - Como incorporar los pies - Seccion de Rock - Seccion de Rock (corcheas) - Seccion de Swing - Y ahora, que? - Apendice.

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