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Christian Hits for Christmas

Christian Hits for Christmas 24 Contemporary Christian Arrangements Celebrating the Birth of Jesus Piano Solo - Sheet Music

Piano - Early Advanced; Late Intermediate

SKU: AP.45715

24 Contemporary Christian Arrangements Celebrating the Birth of Jesus. Piano Collection; Piano Supplemental. Sacred Performer Collections. Christmas; Contemporary Christian; Sacred; Winter. Book. 76 pages. Alfred Music #00-45715. Published by Alfred Music (AP.45715).

ISBN 9781470634971. UPC: 038081521459. English. Arranged by Melody Bober.

Christian Hits for Christmas contains 24 arrangements of Contemporary Christian songs that celebrate the birth of Jesus. These hits frequently are heard on Christian radio and performed in contemporary church services during the Christmas season. Helpful fingering and approximate performance times are included with each arrangement. Titles: All Is Well * All My Heart Rejoices * Born Is the King (It's Christmas) * Born That We May Have Life * Child of Bethlehem * Christmastime * Emmanuel (Hallowed Manger Ground) * Hallelujah (Light Has Come) * Happy Birthday, Jesus * How Many Kings * Immanuel * Jesus Messiah * My Soul Magnifies the Lord * Not That Far from Bethlehem * Offering (Christmas Offering) * One King * One Small Child * This Baby * This Gift * We Have a Savior * What Can I Do? * When Hope Came Down * Winter Snow * Your Name.

About Sacred Performer Collections

Alfred's Sacred Performer Series offers church musicians a great source of beautiful piano arrangements of both traditional and contemporary sacred literature, ideal for use in general, seasonal, and special services such as weddings and funerals.

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