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5 Voluntaries

5 Voluntaries Trumpet 2 in C Part by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies Orchestra - Sheet Music

By Sir Peter Maxwell Davies
5 Voluntaries by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies Orchestra - Sheet Music
5 Voluntaries by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies Orchestra - Sheet Music
Trumpet 2 in C Orchestra; Trumpet 2 (, s.d, b.d)-hpd/pno-str)

SKU: HL.49014367

Trumpet 2 in C Part. Composed by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies. Edited by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Classical. Individual part. 2 pages. Schott Music #ED10994-14. Published by Schott Music (HL.49014367).

ISBN 9790220107085. UPC: 073999585575. 8.5x11.5x0.006 inches.

These 5 short voluntaries are arrangements of Jeremiah Clarke, William Croft, Pierre Attaignant and Louis Couperin. They make lively and interesting pieces suitable for youth orchestras or school orchestras of high standard.

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