Violin Doubles
met optionele altvioolpartij
Violin Solo - Sheet Music

Item Number: 6305022
3.5 out of 5 Customer Rating

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Item Types
Musical Forms
Violin - intermediate

SKU: HL.44005096

Met optionele altvioolpartij. Composed by Jonathan Shipley. Fentone Instrumental Books. Book [Softcover]. Composed 2005. 60 pages. Fentone Music #F 875-401. Published by Fentone Music (HL.44005096).

ISBN 9789043139915. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.

Violin Doubles features duets in various styles such as the tango, the czardas, classical pieces and Hungarian and Irish folk melodies - ideal for violinists who enjoy interpreting different musical genres. The folk melodies are provided with chord symbols for playing together with a guitar or other accompanying instrument in order to add to their appeal. Viola parts are also included, so the viola can replace the second violin if desired. Violin Doubles is a varied book which will provide playing enjoyment time after time.

In Violin Doubles staan duetten in verschillende stijlen, zoals de tango, de csardas, klassieke stukken en Hongaarse en Ierse volksmelodieen. Er staan akkoordsymbolen bij de volksmelodieen om samenmet gitaar of een ander begeleidingsinstrument de zeggingskracht ervan te kunnen versterken. Verder zijn er altvioolpartijen meegeleverd, zodat de altviool de tweede viool indien gewenst kan vervangen. Violin Doubles: een afwisselendboek dat je steeds weer ter hand neemt.

Geige spielen macht schon als Solist Spass, aber im Duett ist es fast noch schoner. In dieser Sammlung von Violinduetten sind Stucke ganz verschiedener Stile zu finden - vom Kanon im Stile Vivaldis (Il Prete Rosso) bis zum klassischen Duett, von der Invention bis hin zum Tango. Alle Titel fordern selbststandige Beherrschung der Stimmen, fordern aber vor allem die Freude am musikalischen Dialog und die Lust an Interpretation und kreativer Gestaltung. Das Buch enthalt eine optionale Violastimme, welche die zweite Violine ersetzen kann; Akkordsymbole ermoglichen ausserdem eine Begleitung durch Gitarre oder andere Begleitinstrumente.

Violin Doubles e una raccolta di duetti che abbraccia un largo orizzonte musicale - da un canone scritto nello stile di Vivaldi a un duo classico, passando da un brano originale a un tango. Ciascun pezzo richiede al musicista di conoscere bene la propria parte, perche tutti i brani giocano sul dialogo. La parte del secondo violino puo essere sostituita dalla parte di viola (parte opzionale compresa nel libro).

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  • Jig
  • Invention
  • Funny Round
  • Il Prete Rosso
  • Sonatine in d minor - 1. Allegro
  • Sonatine in d minor - 2. Andante
  • Sonatine in d minor - 3. Allegro
  • Duo Concertante in G - 1. Allegro
  • Duo Concertante in G - 2. Andante
  • Duo Concertante in G - 3. Scherzo
  • Duo Concertante in G - 4. Rondo
  • Violins Match
  • Czardas Modulee
  • 6 Hungarian Folk Songs
  • Playing Strings
  • Tango